Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Medication Error Free-Samples for Students-Myassignementhelp.com

Question: Describe the Case Scenario that you have Selected to Reflect on, Concentrating on main details of who was involved, what Incident occurred, and why the Incident occurred. Answer: Description: During the medical round with the registered nurse in the pediatric section, a type 1 diabetic patient was due for insulin injection at 10 o clock in the morning. The registered nurse checked told asked me to draw 24 units of insulin. Before administering the insulin to the patient, the nurse checked the insulin level along with me. However, when checking the blood sugar level, it was identified that the blood sugar level dropped dramatically from 14mmol/l to 3.5mmol/l. Later, when the medical chart was rechecked, it was found that the patient has to be administered 2.4 units of insulin. Feelings: I felt wrong and negligent with the experience. I realized that the life of a patient was in my hands and I considered it very lightly. When I was confronted with the incidence, I felt mortified and remorseful as I had been negligent in my actions. I felt like this because I understood that I need to check the medicines personally before administering them to the patient. I also realized than in the patient care, it is important that the medical chart is read properly before the administration of the medicines. I also felt that the registered nurse who was working along with me was also careless in her duties. I felt critical towards her and realized that he was not careful in the duties. I felt this way because I thought that assuring that the patient is given the right medication dose is the duty of the nurse; however, in this case, the nurse failed to do it (Kolb, 2014). Evaluate: It can be evaluated from the following situation that it is important to remain vigilant and attentive while taking care of the patients. I also realized that before administering the medicine the nurse should check and recheck the medicine and its amount carefully. Any wrong action taken while administering the medicine can cost the life of the patient. Moreover, I also realized that the rechecking the statistics after administration of the medicine was beneficial. I realized that it is important for the nurses and the healthcare professionals to examine the vital statistics of the patient periodically. In the scenario, there was another positive aspect wherein registered nurse checked the dose of the insulin before the administration. It is important that the nurse should check all the dosages herself before administering it to the patient. Analysis: It could be analyzed that the incident occurs due to the negligence of the nurse. The negligence can be defined as breach of duty of care. When the authorized person fails to take proper care of something, it results in negligence of duty. Moreover, the current situation can be categorized as nursing malpractice. It occurs when a nurse fails to comply with the medical duties and harm the patients. It is important that the nurse competently perform all the medical duties (Mulheron, 2016). It can be evaluated that the incident occurs as the registered nurse failed to comply with his duties. The medical charts are updated regularly whenever the doctor visits the patients ward. Therefore, it is important that the nurse checks every time the medical record of the patient before administering the medicines to the patient. Moreover, the nurse should also check the dosage which is to be administered to the patient. Action Plan: The above case study was crucial in understanding the concept of the medical error and its impact on the patient care. I realized that negligence and nursing malpractice can be done unintentionally. I also learnt that it is always essential to remain careful regarding the nursing duties. I learnt from the experience that it is important to remain attentive and careful in the nursing duties. In the future scenarios, I will check the medication and the dosage myself before administering it to the patients (Ballweg et al., 2017). I realized that it is important to check the medical chart every time so that the patient care can be conducted satisfactorily (Wheeler, 2013). Conclusion: During this experience, I learnt that the medical nursing is a very responsible profession and the nurses have to vigilant while taking care of the patients. The nurses should check all the medicines and their dosages before administering the medicine to the patient. The nurse should also check and recheck the medical charts so that no negligence issues may occur. It can be concluded that any medical negligence can result in serious harm to the life of the patient. Moreover, remaining vigilant in the duties is the primary responsibility of the nurses. Any negligence is wrong professional conduct. References Wheeler, H. (2013). Law, Ethics and Professional Issues for Nursing: A Reflective and Portfolio-Building Approach. Routledge. Mulheron, R. (2016). Medical Negligence: Non-Patient and Third Party Claims. Routledge. Ballweg, R., Brown, D., Vetrosky, D., Ritsema, T.S. (2017). Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kolb, D.A. (2014). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. FT Press.

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